Title: "RoboAction 8" Performance and Installation
Medium: Paper, paint, robot, drills
Dimensions: 8 m x 2 m, various durations
Location: Studio View
Description: RoboAction 8 is a man and a machine. Together, in a performance wherein the artist manipulates hand-held drawing tools while the machine moves him, via remote control, around the space, they create a drawing that evidences a symbiosis between humans and technology. Important to RoboAction 9 are the extensions of the body. Video cameras attached to the machine project three different views of the artist's process as he makes his way across the paper lining the perimeter of the space. The labor of the body is repositioned, and at times amplified by the machine.
Title: "RoboAction 9" Performance and Installation
Medium: Paper, paint, robot, drills
Dimensions: 8 m x 2 m, various durations
Location: Studio View
Description: RoboAction 9 is a man and a machine. Together, in a performance wherein the artist manipulates hand-held drawing tools while the machine moves him, via remote control, around the space, they create a drawing that evidences a symbiosis between humans and technology. Important to RoboAction 9 are the extensions of the body. Video cameras attached to the machine project three different views of the artist's process as he makes his way across the paper lining the perimeter of the space. The labor of the body is repositioned, and at times amplified by the machine.