Title: "Roboaction 5" Interactive performance and Installation
Duration: 30 minutes
Location: Fluid v2, Queens Museum of Art, New York
photo by Isabel Bau Madden

Title: "Untitled"
Media: Pencils, wood, metal
Dimensions: 14 ft x 4 ft x 1 ft
Exhibition Space: Fashion Moda, So. Bronx, New York City

Title: "Untitled"
Medium: Shoes, pencils
Dimensions: 1.5 ft x 1 ft x 1 ft
Location: Fashion Moda, So. Bronx, New York City

Title: "Aesthetic Acupuncture"  Performance
Medium: 50,000 sharpened Н-5 pencils
Duration: 30 minutes
Location: Fashion Моdа, So. Bronx, New York City
Description: Audience members were invited to throw pencils at the artist